Funksaw=92s (partial) Conversion of Star Wars to Adventure! Chapter One: The Force and Inspiration =96 one and the same. Mechanically, the Force is extremely similar to Inspiration, yet subtly=20 different. For Star Wars, there are two force bars of Permanent and=20 Temporary marks =96 =93Light Side=94 and =93Dark Side.=94 Light side gove= rns the=20 Reflective and Intuitive facets =96 Dark Side covers the Destructive=20 facet. As a general rule, Daredevils tend to have higher Intuitive=20 facets than Reflective facets, and Jedi tend to have higher Reflective=20 facets than Intuitive facets. Characters cannot start with a Destructive = Facet rating, as they should not start off with any permanent Dark Side=20 points. Characters receive 1 dot in Reflective or Intuitive facets for every=20 light side force point they have. quote: Obi Wan Kenobi: =93The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It=92s = an=20 energy field created by all living things. It binds the galaxy together.=94= A main character (PC or significant NPC) can use the Force, as it flows=20 through all living things. Only Jedi, however, can use the Force in a=20 conscious manner. However, even normal people can be pushed to their=20 limits, and even beyond it. That is when the unconsciously use the Force.= The Force can be used for a number of things, as a game mechanic. First=20 off, it is the fuel for most Jedi powers. However, it can be used to=20 increase someone=92s chances at succeeding at an action, or even to save = the characters neck via a =93deus ex Force=94 when it really matters. In = short, you may spend force points on the following: -- Activating a Jedi Power (=93Impressive. Most Impressive.=94) -- Dramatic Editing (=93I keep these panels for smuggling=85 I never thou= ght=20 I=92d be smuggling myself in them!=94) -- Cliffhanger (=93Threepio! Tell Artoo to shut down all the garbage=20 smashers on the detention level!=94) -- Double a dicepool (=93Great shot kid! That was one in a million!=94) -- Get a hint about how to proceed. (=93Chewbacca here is first mate on a= =20 vessel that may suit our purposes.=94) Force points may be regained in the following ways: -- Meditation. A character that relaxes for at least 2 days will=20 replenish a force point, a Jedi that meditates can accomplish the same=20 in 8 hours. -- Life-Affirming Heroism. Since the Force is the energy of all living=20 things, a heroic action which results in the saving of life typically=20 results in some sort of Force replenishment for all involved. -- Wild Success. If a character receives more than 5 successes on a roll = (but gets no benefit from such an amazing result) the character receives = a force point from self confidence. The Dark Side quote: Yoda: =93A Jedi=92s strength flows from the Force. But beware of the= =20 Dark Side. Anger. Fear. Agression. The Dark Side of the Force are they.=20 Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down=20 the Dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it=20 will, as it did Obi-Wan=92s apprentice.=94 Luke: =93Vader. Is the Dark Side stronger?=94 Yoda: =93No=85 no=85 no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.=94 Luke: =93But how amd I to know the good side from the bad?=94 Yoda: =93You will know. When you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi= =20 uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.=94 That is the rub, of course. Unlike =93normal=94 force points, Dark Side=20 points accumulate, rather than subtract. Whenever the character spends=20 Force points, as he normally would to accomplish a task counter to the=20 Force, (such as murder in cold blood, eating a kitten, or something=20 along those lines,) or uses the Force out of Anger, the character does=20 not lose force points. Rather, they gain temporary dark force points=20 equal to the amount of Force that they would have spent. When this pool=20 surpasses the current Dark Side permanent rating, a Permanent Dark Side=20 Point is added, and the temporary points are reset. (In other words, the = first dark side point is gained when the character uses 1 dark point,=20 the second at 2, the third at 3, etc.) It is possible to use your Dark Force as a =93bottomless pool=94 of Force= =20 points. Any character can get angry enough to resolve his way out of a=20 situation through blind rage. This, however, is a good way to rack up a=20 goodly sized pool of Dark points. For each Dark Side Point, the character gains a dot in the Destructive=20 Facet =96 this is a benefit of using the Dark Side to achieve your ends =96= =20 these points do not go away if the Dark Side points are bought off via=20 experience points. Secondly, the character gains a =93dark vice=94=20 determined by the GM: Greed, paranoia, avarice, Impatience, etc=85 that i= n=20 some way relates to the way the Force was used. Whenever the character=20 comes across a situation that relates to the Dark Force flaw, the=20 character must spend a willpower point to avoid taking that action. Dark Side points may be bought off with experience points =96 and with=20 roleplaying =96 at a rate equal to what it would cost to gain that dot if= =20 it were a Light Side point. The deeper you dig yourself into the pit,=20 the harder it is to get out. A character with more permanent Dark Side points than permanent Light=20 Side points has fallen to the Dark Side. It is up to individual GMs to=20 determine if the character can still be played, or if it becomes an NPC. Redemption: Characters with less than 10 Dark Side points can=20 potentially be redeemed through roleplay and experience. It is a tough=20 road though, and most do not have the strength of will to redeem fully. Knacks, Jedi Powers, and Racial Skills: As a general rule, Knacks (Heroic Knacks)belong to Daredevils, Jedi=20 Powers (Psychic Knacks) belong to Jedi, and Racial Skills (Dynamic=20 Knacks) belong to Aliens. But there are some exceptions to the rules=20 presented in Adventure which will be listed here: 1) Any character may take Daredevil Knacks, including Jedi and Aliens. 2) Fists of Stone and Lighting Reflexes may be bought as a Racial Skills 3) Telluric Resonance is known as =93Force Sensitivity=94 for the purpose= s=20 of the setting. 4) Flame/Frost conjuration can also be used to throw lighting from your=20 hands. 5) Psychic Synergy may also be used to communicate =93tele-empathically=94= =20 with another character. Exact words are not possible, but the person=20 will automatically know where you are and what you need as an emotional=20 feeling. The target must be willing and at least nominally allied with=20 you, however. (This is the Jedi power Luke uses when contacting Leia=20 while she=92s driving the Millenium Falcon with Lando and Chewie as he=92= s=20 dangling from Cloud City.) 6) A Single Bound can be purchased as a Jedi Power. New Backgrounds: Droids: Droids are the number of mechanical servants you have. Droids=20 never have dicepools, and are not creatures of the force =96 they are NPC= s=20 that are mechanically perfect in one or a number of areas, but usually=20 incompetent in most others. For example, a protocol droid may know=20 nothing about combat, while a combat droid may not even have the ability = to speak. Droids can also help out on certain types of rolls =96 an=20 Astromech droid, for example, may be able to boost the reliability of a=20 fighter or other ship. The major types of droids are: -- Repair Astromech (R) -- Conversation & Protocol (C) -- Battle Droids (B) -- Medical Droids (Me) -- Imperial Droids (I) -- Maintenance Droids (Ma) -- Power Droids (P) Several droids can perform the function of other droids, but are usually = not as adept at it =96 the general rule is that the background rating=20 equals the number of functions your droids, in total, have. A rating of=20 4 could represent 4 specialized droids, a single droid with four=20 functions, or two dual-function droids, for example. Fleet: Fleet determines how good your ship is: For every dot in Fleet,=20 you receive 5 points to place into the ship=92s statistics (See Space=20 Combat) To upgrade the class of your ship, 10 points must be spent. The=20 fleet background can exceed 6, and can be bought many times. Space Combat: Ships come in three main classes: Fighter (Small), Cruiser (Medium), and = Flagship (Large.) Mechanically, this has a number of effects. When fighting against ships of different classes, the successes achieved = on rolls are modified. Larger ships have more battery power =96 thus more= =20 powerful lazers, smaller ships are deft and maneuverable. When a smaller ship fights a bigger ship, the following happens: The smaller ship doubles it=92s successes on maneuver rolls related to=20 dodging fire =96 smaller targets are harder to hit. The smaller ship halves it=92s successes on firepower damage, and the=20 larger ship doubles it=92s firepower damage. A ship fighting a class two sizes larger than itself finds these effects = doubled. Ships have 7 main statistics, outlined below, and a number of secondary=20 statistics. Each point placed into these statistics costs one of the=20 =93fleet=94 background points as above, and are usually paired with a ski= ll. Speed: Speed is how fast the ship can travel in sublight speeds. Useful=20 for outrunning slow and bulky pursuers. Usually used in conjuction with=20 =93Pilot.=94 A ship without speed travels very slowly indeed, and cannot = hope to outrun pursuers or dodge attacks. Shielding: Shielding determines a number of things. First off, it acts=20 as a =93soak=94 for your craft. Secondly, a number of =93Shields=94 healt= h=20 levels are added to your craft equal to your Shielding rating. As these=20 health levels are destroyed, the shield score also goes down for=20 =93soaking.=94 However, shield levels replenish at a rate of 1 level per = round. Maneuver: Maneuver is how quick and agile the ship is =96 as opposed to=20 it=92s raw speed. Maneuver is usually used in conjunction with Pilot to=20 dodge asteroids and lazerbolts. Firepower: Firepower determines the number of dice added to a successful = damage roll=92s damage result. A ship that is unmanueverable must come to= =20 a full stop before turning. Hyperdrive: Hyperdrive is a measure of how quickly the ship can travel=20 in hyperspace. Useful mostly for long-range pursuits, as well as=20 determining how much lead time you have in evading a persistent pursuer. Navacomputer: Navacomputer is a measure of how quickly the Navacomputer=20 can calculate the nessessary equations to posit a path through=20 hyperspace that doesn=92t involve you materializing near a black hole or = in the middle of a supernova. And that=92d end your trip real quick, kid.= =20 The Navacomputer score is rolled, once per turn. 5 successes are needed=20 (cumulative) before the Navacomputer is finished with it=92s calculations= =2E Reliability: When an attack gets through the ships shields, and the ship = begins to take actual damage, the reliability score is rolled. If no=20 successes are rolled on the reliability roll (or the ship has no=20 reliability) a malfunction occurs. Secondly, reliability adds a number=20 of health levels onto your craft equal to the reliability score.=20 However, each one of those health levels has a penalty, -1 to all=20 actions for the first one, -2 for the second one, etc. Once a=20 reliability level has been damaged, the damage remains until the ship=20 can be repaired. ---- Malfunctions: When a ship fails a reliability check, roll 2d10 and=20 take the lowest of the two numbers and consult this chart: 1) Your hyperdrive is knocked out. 2) If you have an astromech droid, the shot damaged the droid to the=20 point where it will need significant repair at a dock. 3) The blast caught an engine on the left or right, and you=92re spinning= =2E=20 You may only turn in one direction. Basic: Maneuverability is =962 4) The blast caught a weapons battery, and your weapons aren=92t as=20 effective, your damage rating is halved. 5) The blast has sent you into a tailspin =96 you continue on your course= =20 for three rounds, unable to turn. You cannot use Maneuverability to dodge= =2E 6) Your shields go completely down until they can be fixed by hand or by = an astromech droid. It usually takes about 3 rounds =96 less a round for = each droid or person assisting in the repair, and at least one round. 7) The blast has set parts of your ship on fire. Don=92t ask me how thing= s=20 burn in space =96 what am I? Einstein? Anyway, if you can=92t find a way = to=20 put it out in three rounds, you will take another level of damage as the = fuel tanks explode =96 which also places your speed rating at a maximum o= f 1. 8) The blast sent something flying in the cockpit =96 anyone within the=20 ship takes a level of lethal damage. 9) Life support begins to fail. You=92ve got about 4 minutes of oxygen=20 before you being to get dizzy, and about 10 minutes of oxygen before you = suffocate. 10) The blast went through your ship like sh*t through a bantha =96=20 barring the miracles of the force, you=92ve got about 30 seconds as the=20 ship explodes and whoever isn=92t incinerated is exposed to hard vacuum. Weapons and Armor and Other Goodies: Blaster: Acc 0, Dam 3L, Str 1 Min, Range 50, Rof: 3, Conc: P, Cost * Blaster Rifle: Acc +2, Dam 7L, Str 2 Min, Range 200, Rof:1 Conc: P, Cost = ** Thermal Detonator: Damage 9L, Full damage to all targets within 10=20 meters, half damage to targets within 20 meters. Stun Weapon: Acc =961, Dam 9B, Str 1 Min, Range 20, Rof 1, Conc J, Cost *= * Lightsaber: Gadget Rating 1, Dam Str+5A, Melee, Conceal J, Cost *** Blast Padding: 2L, 4B Cost * Flight Helmet: 5L, (called shots to head) Cost* Stormtrooper Armor: 3L, 5B Cost ** Exoskeleton: 6L, 9B Cost **** Last edited by Funksaw on 12-18-2002 at 04:25 AM Report this post to a moderator | IP: Logged Old Post 12-18-2002 02:11 AM Funksaw is offline Click Here to See the Profile for Funksaw Click here=20 to Send Funksaw a Private Message Find more posts by Funksaw Add Funksaw = to your buddy list Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Funksaw Enlightened One Registered: Jul 2002 Location: Posts: 868 Quotes to show you how applicable certain knacks are to Star Wars: Dramatic Entrance: "Search the vessel and bring me those plans" - Vader Eagle Eyes: "That's not a moon. That's a space station." - Ben Kenobi. Fists of Stone: "A droid don't tear your arms off when they lose.=20 Wookies have been known to do that." - Han Solo Gadgeteer: "But I was going over to Toshi Station to pick up some power=20 converters!" - Luke Indomintable Will: "You weak minded fool! He's using an old Jedi Mind=20 Trick!" Instant Expert: "Your father wante me to give this to you when you came=20 of age... *newwomm.... bwwwoomm...*" - Ben Kenobi Jack of all Tounges: "Uta Greeba Solo?" - Greedo. (WHO NEVER FIRED!) Lightning Reflexes: "That was too close" - Lando. Master of Dissimulation: "Negative, we've got a... um... reactor leak,=20 very dangerous, just give us a few minutes to log it down." - Han Solo. One Man Army: "Bring 'em on, I prefer a straight fight to all this=20 sneaking around!" - Han Solo. Trick Shot: "Shoot the door, Kid!" - Han Solo Marked Man: "Skywalker is on that planet. I can sense it." - Vader Force Sensitivity: "I have felt the presence of my old master. He is=20 here." - Vader Inspirational Aura: "I'm not sure, sir. they seem to believe that I am=20 thier God." Psychic Control: "You don't need to see his identification. These aren't = the droids you're looking for." - Ben Kenobi.