GURPS Shadowrun Gear

Armor | Weapons | Cyberware

Armor Type              PD  DR      WT  Cost        LC  TL
Armor Clothing
    Duster/Trench       1   3       8   $600        5   8
    Jacket              1   3       6   $375        5   8    
    Vest                1   3       4   $125        5   8
    Gloves              1   3       1   $75         -   8
    Pants               1   3       3   $500        5   8

Leather                                 Real/Synth
    Helmet              2   2       1   $100/$40    -   7   
    Duster/Trench       2   2       12  $1000/$400  -   7   
    Jacket              2   2       9   $600/$240   -   7   
    Vest                2   2       6   $200/$80    -   7   
    Gloves              2   2       1   $100/$40    -   7   
    Pants               2   2       4   $800/$320   -   7   
    Boots               2   2       3   $300/$120   -   7         
    Hood                2/1 8/2     .25 $200        4   8   
    Jacket              2/1 8/2     4   $700        4   8   
    Vest                2/1 8/2     3   $450        5   8   
    Gloves              2/1 8/2     .25 $100        5   8   
    Pants               2/1 8/2     2   $700        4   8   
    Boots               2/1 8/2     .5  $300        5   8   
    Full Jumpsuit       2/1 8/2     7   $2000       4   8         
Ceramet Inserts   
    Vitals Only         3   16      2   $250        2   8   
    Torso (1 side)      3   16      8   $500        2   8

Armor Type              PD  DR      WT  Cost        LC  TL                
Threat I Body Armor   
    Helmet (3-4, 5-r)   4   15      2   $450        3   8
    Torso               4   20      8   $1200       3   8
    Arms (Monocrys)     2/1 16/2    3.5 $550        3   8
    Gloves (Monocrys)   2/1 16/2    0.5 $150        3   8
    Pants (Monocrys)    2/1 16/2    5   $1000       3   8
    Boots               2   10      3   $450        3   8
    Full Suit                       22  $3800       3   8  

Threat III Body Armor
    Helmet              4   18      8   $1000       1   8   
        (Visor PD 2 DR 10)
    Torso               5   40      18  $3000       1   8   
    Arms                3   15      6   $550        1   8   
    Gloves              3   15      1   $250        3   8   
    Legs                3   15      10  $650        1   8   
    Boots               3   15      5   $450        1   8   
    Full Suit                       48  $6200       1   8
Delta Body Armor   
    Helmet              4   18      3   $1300       1   8
        (Visor PD 2 DR 10)
    Torso               5   25      8   $2400       1   8   
    Arms                4   15      4   $900        1   8   
    Gloves              4   15      1   $500        1   8   
    Legs                4   15      5   $1400       1   8   
    Boots               4   15      3   $900        1   8   
    Full Suit                       24  $7400       1   8 

Weapon                      Malf    Type    DMG     SS  Acc 1/2D    Max     Wt      RoF Shots   ST  Rcl Cost    LC  TL
Guns (Hold-out Pistols)
    Streetline Special      crit    cru     2d-1    10  2   150     1600    1       3~  6       7   -1  $250    3   8
    Walther Palm Pistol     crit    cru     1d+1    10  1   110     1000    .5      2~  2       7   -1  $175    4   8

Guns (Light Pistols)
    Beretta  Model 101T     crit    cru     2d+1    10  3   160     1700    2.25    3~  12      8   -2  $350    2   8
    Colt American L36       ver     cru     2d+2    9   4   175     1900    2.25    3~  11      9   -1  $400    2   8
    Fichetti Security 500   ver     cru     2d+2    10  3   175     1900    2.25    3~  12      9   -1  $450    2   8
    Fichetti Security 500a  ver     cru     2d+2    10  3   175     1900    2.75    3~  25      9   -1  $550    2   8

Guns (Heavy Pistols)
    Ares Predator           ver     cru     3d-1    11  3   185     2000    5       3~  15      11  -2  $650    2   8
    Remington Blat Gun      crit    cru     2d+2    10  4   180     2000    4       10  30      10  -2  $1000   2   8
    Browning Max-Power      ver     cru     3d      11  4   200     2500    4.5     3~  10      12  -3  $650    2   8   
    Remington Roomsweeper   crit    cru     4d      12  5   50      200     5.5     2~  8       14  -3  $900    2   8
    Ruger Super Warhawk     ver     cru     3d+1    12  3   220     2600    5.5     3~  6       13  -3  $750    2   8

Guns (Needler)
    Ares Viper Slivergun    ver     imp     1d+2    10  4   100     300     2       12  100/B   -   0   $2500   1   8
    Ruger Super Scorpion    ver     imp     2d+1    14  11  500     1000    6       20  100/B   -   0   $2000   1   8

Weapon                      Malf    Type    DMG     SS  Acc 1/2D    Max     Wt      RoF Shots   ST  Rcl Cost    LC  TL
Guns (Gyroc)
    Ares Bird of Prey       ver     spcl    8d(2)   12  5   1800    2500    4       3~  3/3/3   -   0   $1600   1   8
    Remington Pocket Rocket ver     spcl    8d(2)   15  7   1800    2500    9       10  10/10   -   0   $3000   1   8

Guns (Submachine Guns)
    AK-97 SMG/Carbine       crit    cru     2d+2    11  6   160     1700    8.75    10  30      11  -2  $650    1   8
    Heckler & Koch HK227    crit    cru     3d      11  7   175     1900    8.75    10  28      12  -2  $750    1   8
    HK227-S                 crit    cru     3d-1    10  8   175     1900    6.5     12  28      10  -2  $900    1   8
    Uzi III                 crit    cru     2d+1    10  7   180     2000    4.5     12  24      10  -1  $600    1   8

Guns (Rifles)
    Remington 750           crit    cru     5d+1    14  11  1000    4600    6.5     1/2 5       11  -2  $400    3   8
    Remington 950           crit    cru     6d+2    14  11  1200    4700    8.75    1   5       12  -3  $600    2   8
    Ranger Arms SM-3        crit    cru     8d      14  14  1400    6000    8.75    2~  6       12  -3  $2500   1   8
    Defiance T-250 (Shotgun)crit    cru     4d      11  7   50      200     6.5     3~  5       11  -2  $550    3   8
    Enfield AS-7 (Shotgun)  crit    cru     5d      12  5   40      160     8.75    3~  10      12  -2  $1000   2   8

Guns (Assault Rifles)
    AK-97                   crit    cru     5d+1    12  7   400     3000    10      10  38      10  -1  $1200   1   8
    FN HAR                  crit    cru     5d      11  10  500     3800    7       10  35      9   -1  $1400   1   8
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