FactionLibraryCard : (FactionEnhancement) Play a spell as a modifier to this card, or pay cost to put a spell in the library. Any eligible character may now cast the spell as though it were a modifier to the character. PublicLibraryCard : (GameEnhancement) Any faction may play a spell as a modifier to this card, or pay cost to put a spell from a character or FactionLibrary into the library. Any eligible character in any faction may cast library spells at though they were modifiers on the character, but with a reduced cost of . FirstAidKitCard : (Item) Multiple. Tap the FirstAidKit to heal a character to full HitPoints. If the character is a Mage, the character's Essence is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 0. Once tapped, the FirstAidKit cannot be used again until repaired. (Alternately, we could give them a number of charges. I don't know if we want them to be discarded when used or just tapped; either way, a Medic, Engineer, or other mundane-repair-person card should make them useful again. "This item does not untap at the beginning of a round" might work as a simple text.) HerbalRemedyCard: (Item) Multiple. Tap the HerbalRemedy to heal a character by HitPoints, up to the character's Health. Once tapped, the HerbalRemedy cannot be used again until repaired. SpellFocusCard: (Item) One per spell per character. Play on a Character and specify a Spell. The cost for the Character to cast the spell is reduced by . Alternately, the card specifies a spell/college of spells, but that seems bulky for a spell focus vs. a fetish. FetishCard: (Item) Has the SpellCollege attribute. Play on a mage character. Reduces the cost for the character to cast spells in that college by . (Might require a matching paradigm.) SpellLibraryCard: (Item) Has the SpellCollege attribute. Play on a Hermetic character. The character has a reduced cost to sponsor spells of that college, either on himself or into a Library.
Agendas * Should be done by faction, not by tradition. Some should be general. * Should clear your total of victory points when played (though see below), provide a way of accumulating victory points, and may provide a cool power. There may be an Event card which lets you (or everybody) switch Agendas without losing all of your victory points (maybe half). The victory point total should be constant for all Agendas; some just grant more points per event. * PowerOverwhelmingAgenda: General. One VP per point of essence added to mages in your Faction * DeathOfMagicAgenda: General: one VP per point of Essence burned out, anywhere on the board. * ExpandingCommonsAgenda: Astral Frontier Foundation. Three VPs per spell placed in the public domain. -1 VP per spell put in a private faction. -2 VP per personal spell in your own faction. * OrkRightsAgenda: Ork Rights Faction. One VPs per Ork on the board over the average; Two VPs per Ork on the board over the 50%. * TirSupremacyAgenda: Either Tir. Thirty Victory Points for each Tir faction wiped out.