Perhaps these should be helf off on until we have more of the basic game written. But at least the possibility for Adepts, Taint, Metaplanes should be considered. If the "basic" sets are going to be very mage-heavy, a "tech" expansion might be cool, for more "how tech and magic interact". I'm debating the wisdom of a blood-magic expansion set, aka "the Obvious Bad Guys". Advantage: you can show the "blood magic gets you lots of power, but has serious disadvantages", and associate things you don't want people doing (enslaving spirits, for example) with the Bad Guys. Disadvantage: it puts the idea that blood magic works out there. I suspect most people would figure it out anway, but. -- ariel Adding a Tech expansion would make this much less "introduce magic" and more "introduce 2060" — is that really what you want? -- bts Adding Tech seems contrary to our purpose... I really want to hint at the adept section on launch. What's the setting now? I've been assuming Modern Fantasy, set around 1990 (increases the realism of magic, and it's validity. Ignores issues of When Magic Enters the World, sort of assumed it did a while back). Alternatives include Far Future (start the blurb with "The year was 3010, when magic reentered the world..."--or pick whatever date is indicated by what we think is the proper calendar), or a more ancient world--probably the renessance, if we want to have many useful items and interesting social interactions, rather than a medieval Sword and Sorcery world. Which (if any) of these do people think is most appropriate?--jwc I can certianly see a "more mundanes" expansion, which would include some more tech...what level of tech depends on the setting.--jwc I think Taint should show up in the next expansion...once we've got basic Magic out, it makes it grittier, and I think that's one of our main points with this--show people what sort of thing causes taint, and why it's a bad idea...--jwc