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An air elemental. See p. 94--95 in The Roll of Glorious Divininininty. I'm not sure how exactly having a bound elemental works, what I can bind it to do, or what sorts of organizations I can bind it to serve. Crow wants this particular elemental primarily to serve as a universal translator and to reeducate wayward beings. (It has the ability to speak with any creature or human or spirit in Creation, and it has charms that make a target hollow and that negate a target's Motivation for a month.)

Abilities and Skills


Strength2 Charisma3 Perception5
Dexterity3 Manipulation4 Intelligence4
Stamina2 Appearance4 Wits4


Journeys Serenity Battles Secrets Endings
Resistance 0 Craft 0 Archery 0 Investigation 0 Awareness 4
Ride 0 Dodge 0 Athletics 0 Larceny 0 Bureaucracy 1
Sail 0 Linguistics 0 Melee 0 Lore 0 Integrity 5
Survival 0 Performance 0 Presence 5 Occult 3 Martial Arts 0
Thrown 0 Socialize 5 War 0 Stealth 5 Medicine 0

Languages: All. No, really, all. It can speak to every entity or spirit, whether human or animal or other, in Creation in its own language; some concepts, however, are inherently impossible to translate.

Essence, Willpower, and Virtues

Essence and Willpower
Permanent Essence4
Essence Pool70
Permanent Willpower6

Combat Statistics

  • Join Battle: 7
  • Attacks: none
  • Soak: 5L/10B (Hollow, 4L/8B; Hardness: 2L/2B)
  • Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap.
  • Dodge DV: 4


Charm Notes
Air Dragon's Embrace Makes the target hollow
Call Speak with other doldrums
Dematerialize Costs 50 motes
Destiny Sponsorship Only while devoid of any inspiration or motivation
Landscape travel Fly at double movement speed
Material Tribulation Divestment Removes all Mental and Social Effects
Measure the Wind -
Memory Mirror Absorbs target's language
Shapechange Assume any vague outline of a form
Subtle Whisper Used to manipulation and gauge others' motivations
Touch of Saturn Removes target's Motivation for one month
First Excellencies Awareness, Presence, Socialize, Stealth
Second Excellencies Awareness, Presence, Socialize, Stealth
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