Engine of Ineluctable Progress

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The Guardian inside Nameless Crow's manse. Guardians are similar to second circle demons in terms of power.



Strength11 Charisma3 Perception6
Dexterity8 Manipulation4 Intelligence4
Stamina12 Appearance2 Wits6


Journeys Serenity Battles Secrets Endings
Resistance 3 Craft [Fire/Fate] 5/5 Archery 5 Investigation 3 Awareness 4
Ride 0 Dodge 4 Athletics 3 Larceny 0 Bureaucracy 3
Sail 1 Linguistics 1 Melee 5 Lore 5 Integrity 4
Survival 0 Performance 0 Presence 2 Occult 3 Martial Arts 5
Thrown 3 Socialize 0 War 0 Stealth 0 Medicine 0

Essence, Willpower, and Virtues

Essence and Willpower
Permanent Essence6
Personal Essence98
Permanent Willpower7


Charm Cost Area Virtue Type Duration Effects Keywords
First Excellency 1m+ See right varies Reflexive Instant Spend n < #Essence motes of Essence to add n dice to a ... roll. Combo-OK
Second Excellency 2m+ See right varies Reflexive Instant Spend n < #Essence/2 motes of Essence to add n successes to a ... roll. Combo-OK
Third Excellency 4m See right varies Reflexive Instant Reroll a ... roll, or increase an appropriate DV by Ability/2 Combo-OK
Essence Plethora (x2) -- Universal none Permanent Permanent Increases Essence by 10. May be taken at most #Essence times. Stackable
Benefaction 5m Blessings Compassion Simple Scene Adds +1 die to rolls relevant to [...] Obvious, Shaping, Touch
Endowment ?m, 1wp Blessings Compassion Simple Scene Grants a substantial boon: [...] Obvious, Shaping, Touch
Eye of Inspiration 15m Blessings Compassion Simple Scene Adds up to #Essence dice to the target (which count toward the added-dice limit) in a skill in which the user has an Excellency. Obvious, Shaping, Touch
Touch of Divinity See right Blessings Compassion Simple Scene/Permanent Transfer motes of Essence (1m each) or temporary Willpower (3m+1wp each) to the target, spending a maximum of 3#Essence motes. Obvious, Shaping, Touch
Touch of Grace 1m+/3m+ Blessings Compassion Simple Scene/Permanent Heals lethal (3m/level) or bashing (1m/level) in the target, spending a maximum of 3 min(Essence, Compassion) motes. Has no effect if the damage isn't healed in full. Supernatural and aggravated damage can be healed only by committing the motes; the damage returns when the Essence is uncommitted. This Charm can also cure Crippling, Poison, or Sickness effects, possibly for an increased cost in motes. Obvious, Shaping, Touch
Impromptu Messenger 10m Sendings Compassion Simple Scene Allows the user to speak and hear through a mortal or inanimate object (with an appropriate aperture). --
Weather Control 10m Divine Works Conviction #Essence hours Reflexive Manipulates weather in a semi-natural way. Over a series of scenes, the user can extend the severity and area of the effect, up to min(Essence, Conviction) levels (see the table on p. 154 of Glorious Divinininininity) and #Essence miles, respectively. --
Banish 12m, 1wp Relocations Conviction Simple Instant Removes an unwanted element or instance of the user's domain from its domain or sanctum. The user has no control over the destination, and it's always on safe ground and within 5 #Essence #Conviction miles away. Unwilling targets roll (Sta + Int) to resist, with an external pentaly of the user's (#Essence + #Conviction)/2. Obvious, Shaping
Ox-Body Technique -- Aegides Valor Permanent Permanent Gain one -1 and one -2 health level. May be taken at most #Essence times. Stackable
Symbol of Invincible Authoirty 10m, 1wp Aegides Valor Simple Scene The user becomes effectively immune to its domain. It ignores all relevant Poison, Sickness, and Crippling effects; for effects partially caused by its domain, it's also immune unless caused by something with Essence greater than #Valor. Raw damage related to the domain is reduced to 0 before considering damage-adding Charms. For relevant social attacks, the user may create a temporary magical Intimacy opposing it; any mental influence opposing this Intimacy counts as an unacceptable order. Combo-Basic, Obvious
Essence Bite varies Edges Valor Simple Scene Causes damage to any creature that strikes the user, touches it, or is struck by it. The Charm can causes bashing (1m/die), lethal (2m/die), or aggravated (4m/die) damage, and can inflict health levels rather than dice of damage and bypass armor for an extra cost of +1m/die. [+2m/die?]. The damage can be domain-relevant; if so, this Charm has the Elemental keyword. The user can spend at most 2#Essence + #Valor motes per invocation. Combo-Basic, Obvious, (Elemental)
Spirit-Cutting 2m Edges Valor Supplemental Instant Attacks supplemented by this charm affect immaterial things. Combo-Basic, Obvious
*Portal 15m, 1wp Relocations Conviction Simple Scene The user can create a portal connecting the manse to any "public" location in Heaven (e.g., the front lawn of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy, but not Chejop Kejap's office, or even Nameless Crow's). Only those attuned to the manse can travel through it; to others, it appears and functions as a perfectly ordinary door, ladder, mirror, empty space, etc. Obvious, Shaping
*Networking Dragon's Embrace 10m Blessings Compassion Simple Instant Immediately after creating a Resplendent Destiny, an astrologer can transfer at most min(user's #Essence, astrologer's #Essence) endurance points to the user. At any later time, the astrologer can immediately transform n of those points into an n-dot Acquaintance of a background relevant to the college at a cost of 3n most of Essence to both the user and the astrologer. The new Acquaintance dissolves with the relevant destiny (if this happens on screen, it causes a nontrivial amount of paradox). Shaping
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