Mercy Creation Sheet

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Basic Statistics


Strength3 Charisma3 Perception2
Dexterity5 Manipulation2 Intelligence3
Stamina3 Appearance2 Wits4


Journeys Serenity Battles Secrets Endings
Resistance 3 Craft [Fate] 1 Archery 1 Investigation 2 Awareness 2
Ride 0 Dodge 3 Athletics 0 Larceny 0 Bureaucracy 4
Sail 0 Linguistics 3 Melee 2 Lore 3 Integrity 2
Survival 0 Performance 3 Presence 0 Occult 2 Martial Arts 5
Thrown 0 Socialize 1 War 0 Stealth 5 Medicine 4
Martial Arts Unarmored 3
Bureaucracy Spirits 1

Essence, Willpower, and Virtues

Essence and Willpower
Permanent Essence2
Personal Essence11
Peripheral Essence29 (25 uncommitted)
Permanent Willpower7


Artifact2Starmetal Hearthstone Bracers
Backing2Bureau of Endings
0Independant (no Faction)
2Convention on Fire
0Convention on Plague
Celestial Manse3Siderial Hearthstone: Guardian Gem (OC105), Manse Powers: Well Favored Aspect, Divine Observatory, others TBD
Salary2Resources 3 in Heaven, 4 in Creation
Sifu3Character and Styles TBD


  • Starmetal Hearthstone Bracers (+1 Acc/Def, +3 Dodge)
  • Perfect Short Sword (+2 Acc, +1 Dmg/Rate): Speed 4, Acc +4, Dmg +4L, Def +1, Rate 3
  • Exceptional Seven Section Staff (+1 Acc/Def/Rate): Speed 5, Acc -1, Dmg +7B, Def +4, Rate 3
  • Exceptional Longbow (+1 Acc/Rate, +50 Range): Speed 6, Acc +2, Rate 4, Range 250)
    • Broadhead Arrow: +2L
    • Fowling Arrow: +2B
    • Frog Crotch Arrow: +4L, but double L soak of armor
    • Target Arrow: +0L Piercing
  • Exceptional Medical Kit (+1 Medecine): Acupuncture needles, bandages, basic remedies, etc.


Charm Cost Ability Type Duration Effects Keywords
Someone Else's Destiny 4m Resistance Refl Inst Push the effects of one drug or poison onto the loom. Pops automatically onto the next person I hit for 1d of L or A. Or pops onto me if charm is used again. None
3rd Performance Excellency 3m Performance Ref (3/4) Inst Re-roll or +Abil/2 to DV. Can't mix with 1st or 2nd. Combo-OK
Heart Brightening Presentation Style 2m Performance Perm Inst Use any Bur/Per/Pre/Soc Excellency on any of those abilities, for an extra 2m. TBD
Impeding the Flow 3m Melee Ref (2) Inst Parry reduces blockable, physical attack to 0s. Visible to those who can see dematerialized. Combo-OK
Auspicious Prospects for Endings 1m Investigation Sim Inst Suggests when a person, thing, or idea's time has come. Can automatically ask for an Endings-relevant task. Or a successful Int+Inv gets a sense of whether a given task is favorable for Endings. Combo-Basic
Soft Presence Practice 2m Stealth Sup 1 Action Motes count 1/2 for anima. Combos do not automtically flare. Combo-OK
2nd Bureaucracy Excellency 2m/s Bureaucracy Ref(1/2) Inst Buy max of Essence successes. Combo-OK
Icy Hand 1m Bureaucracy Sim 5 Days Cha+Bur vs. DMDV compels target to perform duties honestly and to the best of his abilities. Unnatural Mental Influence. Resist for 1W/Scene, max 5 to break, or unbreakable if a scene passes without WP. Combo-OK, Compulsion, Fate, Touch
Secrets of Future Strife - MA Ref (1) Perm Double Join Battle pool. None
Flight of Mercury 1m/act MA Ref (1) Max MA Actions Reduce MA attack speed by 1 (min 3). Combo-OK
Blade of the Battle Maiden 2m/d+2WP MA Ref (1/2) Scene MA attacks do Lethal, and can parry lethal/ranged. For each 2m spent, +1d to MA attack and parry pools. Max of Dex+MA dice. Visible as scarlet aura. Obvious
Terminate Illness 10m Medicine Simple (6/-1) Instant Roll Int+Med+Ess to treat a normal illness. None


Sign Rank Cost Effect
Corpse11eIgnore the effects of one successful social attack
3e+1pRemove all the target's dots of Willpower beyond his Conviction
3e+3pConsider a soul for Terrestrial Exaltation; must be conducted shortly after death
Crow11eEat a corpse's eye, see its last scene, know if it left a ghost
1e+1pSteal from plain sight, Dex+Lar vs. Per+Awa
3e+3pShapeshift to corvid, equipment elsewhere, 3x move, Str/Sta of 1, 0L/1B soak
Haywain11eAnalyze a business as corrupt/honest, determining whether a misdeed will be scrutinized
1e+5pRequest aid from a Celestial Censor
1e/weekHide in a bureaucratic job, 7 free hours per week, opposed Wit+Bur to find
Key11eMake sleep, food, and water unnecessary when preparing for a Lore or Bureaucracy roll
(1e+1p)/weekLower the diffculty by 1 when dealing with characters whose Temperance is less than the user's Intelligence
1e+3pArrange for a Calibration Gate to be at the current location
Sorcerer11eReflexively block any attack that lowers permanent Essence or causes him to lose memory or access to spels, Charms, Combos, or Abilities (except for pattern bite of the weakening effect of his Greater Sign)
1e/sceneGain +3 dice to all rolls with un-Exalted when playing the role of an Exalt
1e+Spend n Endurance to add n bonus dice when performing an astrology roll with multiple Sidereals involved
Rising Smoke11eAdd Essence to any Cha roll with a god, judge, or magistrate
1eSend a note to another Siderial
3e+1p/3pAdorjan (Ex130) scours target for 3 actions, or 13 actions and 1p for a demon
Sword11e+1pAfter seeing a Martial Arts charm the user can learn in without a tutor (provided he meets the other prerequisites) up to a year and a day later
1eApply full DV to any incoming attack, provided no Charm, Virtue, Willpower, etc. are then used to raise the DV further
3e+1pSlay a mortal instantly or within five days. Cause an Exalted to be irrevocably slain when reduced to Incapacitated or below. The effects lasts indefinitely for Terrestrial Exalted but only for a year and a day for Celestial Exalted.
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